Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Rated R and Released in Grand Rapids 1/3/14
Reviewed 1/15/14 at Celebration North in Grand Rapids, MI
with Gary

1 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

This is a movie I've heard quite a bit about since the Golden Globes and being out a few weeks. The reviews are positive, so when Gary and I went to see this I wasn't sure what to expect. Much of the time "Hollywood" embraces strange and this would fall into that category. There are some films that I rate a 2 or 2 1/2 that are still enjoyable and worth seeing, but this is not the case with Her. Joaquin Phoenix plays Theodore Twombly and I acknowledge he does a fine job, but I just can't get past the premise of this movie.

Theodore is recently divorced and he is having trouble bouncing back, which is cause for his loneliness and isolation. He is good at some wacky video games, which is how he passes his free time. Although an eloquent writer of love letters for his job, this doesn't help in his relationships. He comes across an ad for an Operating System (OS) companion and after not much hesitation he signs up. The OS is named Samantha and she is played by the sexy voice of smartly cast Scarlet Johansson. They get to know each other by communicating through his earpiece. Theodore puts it on and Samantha is instantly there. It gets weirder. He tells everyone he has a girlfriend named Samantha and she is an Operating System. Set in the near future, I guess it's more commonplace because no one blinks an eye. As a matter of fact, he goes on a double date with Samantha and a co-worker Paul (Chris Pratt) and Paul's girlfriend. Theodore has Samantha on loudspeaker so they all enjoy conversing and getting to know each other. I love the very funny Pratt on Parks and Recreation so what little he is on screen, he is the most entertaining and I was hoping for more.

It is unsettling to watch everyone walking around talking with earpieces while looking down with no eye contact or social skills, just communicating with whomever or whatever is on the other end. This could be what's in store for our society and maybe that is what's so alarming. Putting me over the edge though is when Theodore has a "physical" relationship with Samantha the OS.

Meanwhile Theodore is neighbors and friends with Amy (Amy Adams) who breaks up with her husband and then also strikes up a friendship with an OS. They both have this in common, but why don't Amy and Theodore just go out with each other? They're both lonely, so wouldn't that be better? For some reason they stick to what is comfortable, this type of connection. But "all good things must come to an end" and the relationship has run its course. Theodore is in despair because Samantha is "breaking up" with him. He learns that Amy's OS is leaving her too. Apparently they are all shutting down and this isn't really explained well. Or maybe I was losing interest by this point. If there is supposed to be some underlying message in the movie Her, I didn't get it. I am sorry, it is just too bizarre for me.

QUIET Rating system: 1 1/2  Jjs

Quality: JJJ
Understood story:  JJ
Interest: J
Entertainment:  j
Time:  J

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