Sunday, October 6, 2013


Rated PG-13 and Released in Grand Rapids 10/4/13
Reviewed 10/4/13 at Celebration North
with Gary and Denny

3 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

We all thought Gravity was one of the better movies in 3D and Imax. It was worth seeing this version. I'm not doing much recap on the cast as it's pretty much Sandra Bullock (Dr. Ryan Stone) and George Clooney (Matt Kowalski), who were both fantastic. My initial thoughts on this film was whether they could create an exciting story and keep the audience engaged with all the scenes in space and just two characters. Director and co-writer Alfonso Cuaron is successful in making this happen and big kudos for keeping it at 93 minutes! Dazzling cinematography is a wonderment that makes you feel like you are there, looking at Earth.

Dr. Ryan Stone and Matt Kowalski are on a mission above Earth doing a routine assignment, making repairs on a U.S. satellite. As they are floating around doing their job, the wise-cracking Matt is giving instructions to the very tense novice Ryan. Ed Harris's very recognizable voice can be heard giving orders from Houston's Mission Control. He reassures them the debris from recent Russian Space Station blast will be sure to miss them, even though it's shooting off rubble at lightening speed. Although we wouldn't have a movie if things kept going status quo, would we? The rapidly changing situation forces Houston to instruct the pair to abandon their mission ASAP.

But the struggling Dr. Stone doesn't move fast enough. From here, the pair have to deal with circumstances at emergency pace. Dodging catapulting debris that smashes up the space station and managing diminishing oxygen supply while tooling around with no gravity is just the tip of the iceberg.

Severed communication with the command center back home causes the two to be totally on their own. The goal of getting home means remaining calm while being committed to the urgent task at hand. Unfortunately, some sacrifices have to be made. A catastrophe can either inspire someone to thrive or ensue panic and create grounds for giving up. The story conveys this well. Going to see Gravity is really a rare treat. Go see it now in 3D/Imax, as I'm not sure I would be so enthusiastic about seeing this film at home.

QUIET Rating system: JJJjs

Quality: JJJj
Understood story:  JJJj
Interest: JJJj
Entertainment:  JJJ
Time:  JJJJ

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