Monday, September 23, 2013

Kon Tiki

Kon Tiki
Rated PG-13 and Released in Grand Rapids 9/13/13
Reviewed 9/18/13 at Celebration North in Grand Rapids, MI
with Gary and Denny

3 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

Who would think a Norwegian movie about six men floating in a raft for over 4,000 miles would be riveting!? All of us thought it was just that. Gary and my dad both thought it was closer to a 4, and I really did think it was a splendor. With that said, some will think it's slowish and be bored to tears, so just be aware of the style before you go.

Pai Sverre Valheim stars as Thor Heyerdahl, the adventurer who spent 10 years (starting in the late 1930s) trying to prove his theory. He believed the Peruvians discovered Polynesia 1,500 years ago and not the Asians. Thor, along with his Norwegian wife, lived amongst the Polynesians. While there, Thor discovered evidence that the Peruvians floated in rafts, just using the current, all the way from Peru to Polynesia. Scientists and academia all thought it impossible, because they would be going against the natural current. Thor said it did occur this way, going from west to east. Fast forward to 1947 when the escapade begins. Thor puts together his crew and builds the sizable raft exactly as they would have 1,500 years ago.

Their insane trek took over 100 days at sea using only supplies and technology indicative of that time period. On one hand, you can appreciate Thor's appetite for adventure and his determination. On the contrary, why would he jeopardize so much leaving his wife and two young sons behind with this risky endeavor? The story ends after the group's 101 days at sea and you'll have see the results for yourself. As the credits roll, you discover where the crew lands in life after this remarkable phase. If this historic almost documentary style sounds appealing, go see Kon Tiki. The quality story, with great cinematography and surprisingly good acting, lends for a must-see movie.

QUIET Rating system: 3 ½ Js

1. Quality: JJJJ
2. Understood story:  JJJj
3. Interest: JJJj
4. Entertainment:  JJJj
5. Time:  JJJj

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