Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fast and Furious 6

Fast and Furious 6 
Rated PG-13 and Released in Grand Rapids 5/24/13
Reviewed 5/30/13 at Celebration North Theatre in Grand Rapids, MI
with Gary

2 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

Generally with half-witted movies like the Fast and Furious (FF) franchise, you can catch up fast and don't necessarily have to see the previous ones to grasp the plot. Following racing cars around doesn't strain the mind too much. Although there were some snippets from the previous movie that were interwoven, Gary and I felt a little lost. Ehh...did it really matter? Not too much. Fast-paced like its namesake, this was fun but I really liked the the last one best of all the FF movies. Frivolous to the max, just accept it and enjoy it for the high energy that speeds out of the screen. That is, if you are watching the 3D version.

Paul Walker (Brian) has taken a backseat to some other characters, Vin Diesel (Dom) and now The Rock (Hobbs), in the last few movies. It's too bad because Walker is pretty pleasant on screen. Big mistake as far as I'm concerned. There's not much to say about this movie. There's fast cars and chase scenes over and over and over throughout the DC landscape. A few hot girls thrown in fighting now and then and the usual dubious characters, but without help from a possible "snitch" it just wouldn't go down the same.

Same ole, same ole, but we still see these Fast and Furious movies apparently, as #6 skidded off the track with its strong opening weekend. Big money. Guys like these movies, what can I say!? They have had enough seeing the chickie movies and it's their time to strain their brains for the strong acting, over the top thickened plot, and thought-provoking dialogue...haha. Entertaining with not much character building, but we expected that. I have to might be time to retire the franchise and recycle these guys into something else. Whatever that may be.

QUIET Rating system: 2 1/2 Js

Quality: JJ
Understood story:  JJJ
Interest: JJJ
Entertainment:  JJJ
Time:  Jj

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