Sunday, June 2, 2013

After Earth

After Earth
Rated PG-13 and Released in Grand Rapids 5/30/13
Reviewed 6/1/13 at Celebration North Theatre in Grand Rapids, MI
with Denny

2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

This flick reminds me of the overblown Tom Cruise flop Oblivion: light on characters with little action, and being nothing like we anticipated. It is accurately described as an Adventure, although it appears there is going to be some Sci-fi mixed in...but not so much. The premise has potential and we were waiting for some "wow" that we never really felt.

The Smith father-son combo team up and father Will Smith plays emotionless veteran space officer Cyper Raige and his son Jaden Smith as cadet aspiring son Kitai. Not much development or back story, the movie jumps right into the strenuous relationship that they slowly divulge throughout the film. In the future and living on another planet due to Earth's abandonment 1000 years prior, they embark on an unexplained mission together in space. Finding themselves back on Earth alone, which is dire enough, they need to rely on Kitai to save them both.

The story here on is pretty much Kitai with a little dad thrown in. After Earth needs Will Smith, with his lofty humor and special entertainment skills. Jaden would be better off (and we would be better off) sticking to the remakes of Karate Kid II and III, father and son teaming up no more.

QUIET Rating system: 2  Js

1. Quality: JJ
2. Understood story:  JJj
3. Interest: Jj
4. Entertainment:  Jj
5. Time:  JJJ

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