Million Dollar Arm
Rated PG and Released in Grand Rapids 5/16/14
Reviewed 5/20/14 at Celebration North THeatre
with Gary
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3 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System |
Million Dollar Arm is a light-hearted drama inspired by true events. I really like this genre even if it's very loosely based on a true story. I guess they did their job, as it is a sweet and touching film and by the end I wanted to go to India and bring future baseball players back to America. With its PG rating, the whole family can go see it, and it has just enough variety that it will appeal to mostly everyone.
John Hamm plays the self-centered bachelor J.B. Bernstein, a sports agent all about getting the big break. He has a heart in there somewhere even though it seems to be buried. What makes it surface just might be Lake Bell (Brenda Paauwe) his darling tenant.
It could also be the three young Indian men he brings to America after hosting a talent search all over the country. As J.B. sees it, there are a billion untapped potential athletes. These three guys are scene stealers and are just a delight. The relationship starts off as business as far as J.B. is concerned but for these three (who for the most part haven't left their villages their whole lives) it's just the start of a wild adventure.
Alan Arkin plays grouchy old talent scout Ray Poitevint. Arkin is solid as always in this role and he has his usual witty charisma, so you don't want to miss his lines.
There are flaws to this fluffy story and it runs low on steam here and there, but it charges back up for the end. If you are up for seeing a movie without being confused by the storyline and ready to just enjoy without having to think too hard, then see this charmer. You will leave feeling good and that carries a lot of weight.
QUIET Rating system: 3 1/2 Js
Quality: JJj
Understood story: JJJJ
Interest: JJJj
Entertainment: JJJj
Time: JJJj