Star Trek Into Darkness
Rated PG-13 and Released in Grand Rapids 5/17/13
Reviewed 5/17/13 at Celebration North Theatre in Grand Rapids, MI
with Jen, Leigh, Denny and Reilly
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3 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System |
The latest edition of a Star Trek movie did not disappoint me at all. As a good summer thrill ride should have, Into Darkness had more than its share of chase scenes, fight scenes, blow 'em up scenes, and save the world scenes. This is what I like most about modern incarnations of the old stuff. It's simply done better, at least when it comes to the exciting stuff. Thinking back to the original Star Trek series with all the cheesy fight scenes and lame special effects, it's a wonder so many trekkies ever fell in love with the series. I was one of those trekkies. All I can say to explain the attraction and appeal of that original series, is that it was the best thing going at the time in the world of sci fi. I suppose it had a lot to do with the characters and their relationship with each other and the inspired plots and situations the Enterprise's crew got themselves into. But today's updated versions are more rewarding, because they seem so much more real. There's nothing like a jiggling paper maché rock to ruin the scene for you. Given all of today's computer assisted graphics, you can put on the screen pretty much whatever you can imagine.
Into Darkness has some of the unexplained inconsistencies as some of the old series and movies, and for that matter seem to crop up in a lot of outer space movies. But who cares, this is the movies! If we thought it was real we wouldn't have to gravitate to reality shows like Survivor to get some pure unadulterated reality on the screen, right?
Into Darkness is a prequel with a young Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the rest of the gang engaged in some of the same sort of personal relationships that made the original series special. Much of the movie reminds us of the love affair going on between Spock and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) which, while probably appealing to some, I found not so interesting or critical and rather annoying. Uhura is quite peeved with Spock for not really considering her feelings and their relationship when he decides it's better to die and save a planet, and of course abide by the "Prime Directive". Hello, he's a Vulcan! No emotions, remember!? If you're gonna fall in love with a Vulcan you gotta remember that part! Of course he's half human and the movie makers can use that fact when they get to a super emotional and pivotal scene, but not most of the time because he's a VULCAN! Okay? Someone needs to explain to Uhura that Vulcans are going to be a major pain in the butt especially when there are big picture issues at play like the Prime Directive!
Like the series and some of the Star Trek movies, they love to dust off the Prime Directive (explained in the movie if you are so deprived as to not know what it is) when it's time to make a big point about following the rules at all costs and putting the good of the underdeveloped over those of people who are advanced and get to fly around in star ships and use really cool weapons. There's gotta be at least one rule, after all, that the Enterprise gang can agree with because all of the rest of the star fleet rules, at least for Kirk, are up for grabs. He has no problem breaking them all (never has) and simply asking forgiveness rather than permission when the crap hits the fan. Of course he always gets his ship back and flies away to break more rules to save the universe again. So what the heck? A mere tongue lashing from some over the hill star fleet admiral is not really a deterrent. Rules are for sissies any way.
So I've not really told you what the movie is about. It has an evil guy who wants to destroy Earth, and who knows what else, but he's starting with Star Fleet Command. It has the whole Enterprise crew and excellent special effects and lots of fight scenes and at least one really decent chase scene. It has a love story that I can always do without in any sci fi movie. It has, of course, the tried and true interplay between the various crew members that has survived since day one of the series. Yes, there is still McCoy (Karl Urban) yelling stupid things that would otherwise get him cuffed a good one if they weren't in the middle of taking care of some do or die situation. That's what you get for letting the doctor on the bridge, I guess. And yes, Kirk continues to score his share of tail. In this movie his tail even have tails! The unforgettable green babes from the original series have consistently been outdone over time but I gotta say, the tails were a nice touch!
If you like a good sci fi action adventure flick, this is a good one for you. Are there some holes? Yes, the sci fi kind where things like the vacuum of space and gravity are ignored when convenient. There are other Star Trek holes, but not so bad and no real need to worry about them. All in all you should have a very enjoyable time with this one!
QUIET Rating system: 3 1/2 Js
1. Quality: JJJj
2. Understood story: JJJ
3. Interest: JJJJ
4. Entertainment: JJJJ
5. Time: JJj