Saturday, March 2, 2013


Rated PG-13 and Released 2/15/13
Reviewed 2/24/13 at Celebration North Theatre in Grand Rapids, MI
with Laura

2 1/2 out of 5 Js in QUIET Rating System

This was up for Best Picture at the Academy Awards and I saw it the day of the awards, in order to accomplish getting in all the nominees before Sunday night. Why this was up for Best Picture, I am not sure. It did have some quality and sweetness to it, subtitles and all. The Academy always has to pick some quirky ones. It just wasn't the caliber of a Lincoln or Argo, and thank goodness my favorite movie that came out of 2012, Argo, won Best Picture. My sister-in-law appreciated it more than I did and gave it closer to a 3 1/2.

Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) are relishing their twilight years while living a quaint retired life in a Paris apartment. The couple are in their 80s and in the midst of their mundane life, Anne has some symptoms that eventually lead to a stroke. She makes her husband promise to never put her in a home, which he lovingly and wholeheartedly agrees. With his wife's health rapidly deteriorating, the living and care takes a toll on the slight Georges. However, he doesn't seem to begrudge this because he is keeping his promise. Their daughter Eve, played by Isabelle Huppert, visits a few times and is horrified witnessing the health of both of them decline. There is natural empathy we feel for the couple along along with their daughter on what is facing them, but Eve is adamant about changing the care-taking plan. Her father responds with, "what would you have me do? I promised her I would not put her in a home."

The scene for almost all of the movie is the apartment, inducing a melancholy feeling that intentionally leaves you with a pathetic feeling that lingers.

This story can squelch any dreams that we may have of a sweet restful retirement with our spouse. It could be looked at from the other perspective - after 60+ years together this is bound to happen and the endearing devotion and dedication shown is priceless. The frightening part is we begin to think that this is our parents now...or this could be the future...but when you see the ending, I certainly hope this will be none of us anytime soon!

QUIET Rating system: 2 1/2 Js

Quality: JJJj
Understood story:  JJJ
Interest: JJ
Entertainment:  Jj
Time:  JJ

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